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TADS Targeting Modes

The TADS may be utilized with several targeting modes to assist the Copilot/Gunner (CPG) in performing targeting operations against enemy target locations. Targeting modes consist of Linear Motion Compensation (LMC), Image Auto-Track (IAT), and Laser Spot Track (LST). These targeting modes reduce the workload of the CPG when using the TADS but do not directly affect the operation of any weapon system on the aircraft.

Linear Motion Compensation (LMC)

Linear Motion Compensation provides additional stabilization of the TADS to compensate for linear movement of the aircraft or the target.

When LMC is disabled, the slew rates of the TADS turret are based on raw input magnitudes received from the force-sensing Sight Manual Tracker (MAN TRK, also called the “thumb force controller”) on the TEDAC Right Handgrip. When no force is applied to the Sight Manual Tracker, the angular slew rates of the TADS turret are dampened in azimuth and elevation. When thumb force is applied, the TADS turret slew rate will increase as the force magnitude increases and will correspondingly decrease as force magnitude decreases.

LMC Indicator

When LMC is enabled, indicated by the presence of the LMC Indicator around the TADS Line-Of-Sight Reticle, angular slew rates of the TADS turret are maintained until modified by CPG input or alternate steering commands by the TADS electronics themselves. When no force is applied to the Sight Manual Tracker, the angular slew rates of the TADS turret are maintained. When thumb force is applied, the TADS turret slew rate will increase at a rate corresponding to the force magnitude applied to the Sight Manual Tracker.

LMC automatically converts angular rates based on the current range value utilized by the TADS to compensate for motion parallax. As the range increases or decreases, the LMC will automatically adjust the TADS slew rate to maintain the calculated angular velocity at the corresponding range. As targets that are closer in range will have a higher angular rate compared to targets further away, the LMC will increase the TADS slew rate to compensate. In addition, angular rate gains from Sight Manual Tracker input force magnitudes will accordingly scale based on the current range value.

Linear Motion Compensation for Motion Parallax

Image Auto-Track (IAT)

IAT is an automatic tracking mode that allows the TADS to automatically maintain the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) Reticle on battlefield targets. Unlike the previous generation of TADS in which the IAT tracking logic relied purely on object contrast amongst its background, the digital tracking logic within the M-TADS uses the scene content within the video source to lock onto distinct features.

Additionally, the digital IAT will automatically enter an inertial track and “coast” in the event weapons fire, smoke, obscurance, or explosions on the battlefield interfere with its ability to maintain track. This inertial track logic prevents the M-TADS from locking on to an unintended target or nearby object when a break lock occurs, which was characteristic of previous versions of TADS that functioned purely on contrast tracking.

When the IAT/OFS switch on the TEDAC Left Handgrip is momentarily set to the IAT position, an track is initiated on the target underneath the TADS LOS Reticle. When this occurs, a set of four brackets, called the Primary Track Gates, are placed around the tracked object, a Track Number is placed below the tracking gates, and the total number of tracks is updated in the top right corner of the TADS symbology.

  1. Image Auto Track Primary Track Gates. Indicates the primary tracked target. When the TADS LOS reticle is within the boundaries of the Primary Track Gates, the gates are bolded.
  2. Image Auto Track Aim Point. Displayed within the Primary Track Gates to indicate the precise location the IAT will maintain the TADS LOS Reticle after the track is established and when returning the LOS Reticle from an offset position.
  3. Track Number. Indicates the assigned track number for the primary tracked target.
  4. Total Number of Tracks. Indicates the total number of tracked targets, out of a maximum of 3. (See Multi-Target Tracker for more information.)

Once a new primary track is established, the TADS will automatically maintain the LOS Reticle over the IAT Aim Point until a slew is commanded. If the Copilot/Gunner (CPG) inputs a slew using the Sight Manual Tracker, the TADS LOS is released from automatic slewing and may be manually slewed until the TADS is commanded to return to the primary track using the OFS position of the IAT/OFS switch.

The specific functionality of the IAT/OFS switch will vary depending on whether the TADS LOS Reticle is within the boundaries of the Primary Track Gates, signified by the gates themselves becoming bolded. Additionally, the commanded function when set to the OFS position is dependent on the duration of the press.

When the LOS Reticle is within the boundaries of the Primary Track Gates, the following commands apply:

  • IAT position will update the Aim Point location within the Primary Track Gates to the current centroid of the TADS LOS Reticle.

  • OFS position for less than 0.5 seconds will delete the primary track.

  • OFS position for greater than 0.5 seconds will delete all tracks.

TADS LOS Reticle inside Primary Track Gates

When the LOS Reticle is outside the boundaries of the Primary Track Gates, the following commands apply:

  • IAT position will establish a new primary track and initiate automatic slew for target tracking.

  • OFS position for less than 0.5 seconds will return the TADS LOS Reticle to the primary track’s Aim Point and initiate
    automatic slew for target
    tracking. A subsequent press to the OFS position prior to arriving within the Primary Track Gates will revert to manual tracking.

  • OFS position for greater than 0.5 seconds will delete all tracks.

TADS LOS Reticle inside Primary Track Gates

Additional details regarding the Image Auto-Track are shown below.

  • Target tracking is only performed in one TADS sensor at a time. If a track is established while the selected TADS sensor is set to FLIR, the track will continue to be tracked within the FLIR camera, even if the CPG selects DTV using the Sensor Select switch on the TEDAC Left Handgrip, and vice versa.

  • Once a primary track has been established, the TADS turret may only be slewed to the extent that the primary track can be maintained within the current optical field-of-view of the TADS sensor within which the automatic tracking is being performed.

  • Target tracking is limited to objects that occupy between 0.75% to 50% of the tracking sensor’s field-of- view. If the object being tracked is too small or too large within the current optical field-of-view, a track cannot be established, and an existing track will switch to inertial tracking.

Due to the combination of these factors, FLIR is better suited for maintaining multiple tracks due to its wider field-of-view, especially for tracks that are widely spaced on the battlefield, or for retaining the primary track within the field-of-view when a significant offset slew is desired. However, the DTV is better suited for maintaining tracks at longer range due to its higher magnification levels.

Multi-Target Tracker (MTT)

The M-TADS digital tracker is capable of maintaining an image auto-track on up to three separate targets, a single primary track and two secondary tracks. When being used in this manner, the tracking and slew logic and the IAT/OFS switch functions remain the same but are only referenced to primary track.

  1. Primary Track Gates/Track Number. Indicates the primary tracked target and track number.
  2. Secondary Track Flag/Track Number. Indicates the secondary tracked target(s) and track number(s).
  3. Total Number of Tracks. Indicates the total number of tracked targets, out of a maximum of 3.

Any time a new track is established, the new track is designated as the primary track, and the existing primary track is demoted to a secondary track. An existing secondary track may be promoted back to primary track at any time using one of two methods.

  • Manually slew the LOS Reticle over the desired track and momentarily press the IAT/OFS switch to the IAT position. This will promote the secondary track under the LOS Reticle to primary track, update the Aim Point of the new primary track, and automatic slewing will be performed until another secondary track is promoted or the Copilot/Gunner inputs a slew using the Sight Manual Tracker. (See TEDAC Left Handgrip for more information.)

  • Set the MTT Promote switch to the + or – positions to promote the secondary tracks to primary track in a cyclic pattern. When a secondary track is promoted to the primary track using the MTT Promote switch, the TADS LOS Reticle will be slewed to the Aim Point of the new primary track and automatic slewing will be performed until another secondary track is promoted or the Copilot/Gunner inputs a slew using the Sight Manual Tracker. (See TEDAC Right Handgrip for more information.)

Inertial Tracking

In the event weapons fire, smoke, obscurance, or explosions on the battlefield interfere with the automatic tracking of the primary or secondary tracks, the track will enter an inertial tracking sub-mode. In this mode, the track will “coast” along its previous path for a short period before the track is dropped altogether. If the track is reacquired while in inertial track, automatic tracking will resume.

Inertial Gates
Low Confidence Gates

  • If the primary track has switched to inertial tracking, the Primary Track Gates will be replaced by the Inertial Gates. After 5 seconds of inertial tracking, the Inertial Gates will be replaced by the Low Confidence Gates.

  • If a secondary track has switched to inertial tracking, the Secondary Track Flag will become dashed to indicate inertial tracking. After 5 seconds of inertial tracking, the Secondary Track Flag will become dotted to indicate low confidence.

  • If the track is not reacquired within 10 seconds of inertial tracking, the track will be dropped and “TRK # DROP” will be displayed in the Weapon Inhibit Status field, where # is the number of the track that has been dropped.

    Inertial Track Flag

If the primary or secondary tracks are forced outside the TADS field- of-view, the Primary Track Gates and/or Secondary Track Flags are replaced by bars along the edge of the video to indicate the location of the tracks relative to the TADS field-of-view.

  • When a track has been forced outside the TADS field-of-view, a solid bar will be displayed along the edge of the TADS video with the associated track number.

  • After 5 seconds of inertial tracking, the bar will become dashed to indicate low confidence

  • A bracket will be displayed next to the bar to indicate which track is the primary track.

Inertial Track Bars
Low Confidence Bars

Laser Spot Track (LST)

The LST may be configured to search for and track pulsed laser designations using standard PRF codes independently of the ownship’s LRFD code. The Laser Spot Tracker is enabled using the LT switch on the TEDAC Right Handgrip. When set to the A position, the LST is enabled and set to automatic mode. When set to the M position, the LST is enabled and set to manual mode. When set to the O position, the LST is disabled.


The TADS laser rangefinder/designator (LRFD) cannot be fired while the LST is enabled.

When the LST is employed, the Multi-Target Tracker will continue to perform automatic tracking of the primary and secondary tracks if the respective tracks remain within the optical field-of-view of the TADS sensor. However, if the tracks are forced outside the TADS field-of-view while LST operations are being performed, the tracks will enter inertial track, and may eventually be dropped.

Automatic Mode

When the LST is enabled in the automatic mode, the TADS will enter a continuous, 4-bar azimuth/elevation scan pattern until a laser designation matching the PRF code assigned to the LST is detected, or the LST is disabled. Once a matching laser designation is detected, the TADS will slew to and track the laser designation. If the laser designation is lost, the TADS will resume the 4-bar scan.


It is advisable that the LST be disabled prior to instructing the designating platform to cease lasing. If the laser designation is lost before the LST is disabled, the TADS turret will resume the 4-bar scan pattern.

In addition, when slaving the TADS to an acquisition source, the LST should be disabled prior to disabling the SLAVE function to ensure the TADS is not inadvertently slewed from the intended location by the 4-bar scan in automatic mode, or if a matching laser designation is detected in automatic or manual mode.

LST 4-bar Automatic Scan Pattern

Manual Mode

When the LST is enabled in the manual mode, the Copilot/Gunner retains manual slew control of the TADS turret until a laser designation matching the PRF code assigned to the LST is detected. Once a matching laser designation is detected, the TADS will slew to and track the laser designation. If the laser designation is lost, manual slew control of the TADS turret is restored.