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Radar Target Handovers

Radar-generated targets detected by FCR-equipped AH-64D’s may be transmitted to other AH-64D’s across the datalink network. Unlike FCR TGT Report datalink messages, which only provide situational awareness or aid in target acquisition using the receiving aircraft’s own sensors, RF Handover (RFHO) datalink messages may be used for direct targeting by AGM-114L radar-guided missiles without the receiving aircraft acquiring the target.

RFHO datalink messages may be sent to any AH-64D Primary member(s) within the selected datalink network, allowing the receiving aircraft to engage the FCR target with RF missiles, rockets, or 30mm gunfire, regardless of whether the receiving aircraft is equipped with an FCR themselves. However, if received by an AH-64D that is equipped with an FCR, the RFHO data will replace any target data generated by the receiving aircraft’s own FCR.

RF Handover (RFHO) Engagement

FCR Page RF Handover (RFHO) Selection Menu

Sending an FCR target handover is performed from the RFHO selection menu on the FCR page. This selection menu is accessed by pressing the RFHO (VAB R4) button and allows crewmembers to send the Next-To-Shoot (NTS) target to a Primary member within the selected datalink network. The RFHO button is displayed on the FCR page when the FCR is the crewmember’s selected sight, an NTS target has been designated, and the Datalink Transmit Select Indicator on the EUFD is set to a radio that has been tuned to a preset with at least one Primary member within the corresponding datalink network. (See the Fire Control Radar chapter for more information.)

  1. Next-To-Shoot (NTS) Select. Advances the NTS and ANTS target designations through the 16 high priority targets in a descending order before cycling back to the first target on the list. Each time an RFHO is transmitted, the NTS and ANTS designations will automatically sequence to the next targets on the High Priority Target List, allowing rapid engagement of the high priority targets by RF missiles fired from the ownship and/or other AH-64D’s receiving RFHO messages.

  2. Next-To-Shoot (NTS) Target. The NTS target symbol indicates the designated target location to which all sighting functions of the FCR are performed, or which target will be transmitted via an RFHO.

  3. Primary Member Select. Displays a list of Primary members within the selected datalink network that may be selected to receive the RFHO. Each entry within the list is generated from the Callsigns of Primary members as displayed on the NET sub-page, truncated to the last three alphanumeric characters. For example, “DH08” is displayed as “H08” within the Primary member list on the FCR page. If the Datalink Transmit Select Indicator is moved to a radio that has not been tuned to a preset with a datalink network, the Primary member list will be closed and the RFHO (VAB R4) option will be removed from the FCR page.

  4. SEND Button. The SEND button is displayed when a Primary member has been selected to receive the current NTS target as an RFHO.

  5. Send Status Window. Displays the radio and datalink network over which the report will be transmitted.

Sending An RF Handover

To send an RFHO, ensure the EUFD Datalink Transmit Select Indicator is set to the datalink network over which the transmission is intended, and then perform the following:

  1. Sight Select switch – FCR, if FCR is not the selected sight. (Collective Mission Grip or TEDAC Right Handgrip)


    FCR Fixed Action Button – Press, if FCR is the selected sight.

  2. NTS (VAB T1) – Select to advance NTS designation to desired FCR target for RF Handover.


    MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Designate desired FCR target as NTS for RF Handover.

  3. RFHO (VAB R4) – Select.

  4. Primary Member (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired.
  5. SEND (VAB R6) – Press.

Once SEND (VAB R6) is pressed, the SEND text label will be displayed in inverse video as the transmission is performed to the Primary member that is selected to receive the RFHO.

When the transmission is complete, the SEND text label will revert to normal video.

If an acknowledgement of receipt is not received from any Primary member selected to receive the RFHO, a “XMIT NAK” advisory will be displayed on the EUFD.

Receiving An RF Handover

When an RFHO has been received through the datalink, the EUFD will display an “RFHO” advisory accompanied by an audio ring tone, prompting the aircrew to access the MSG REC sub-page or the TSD Receive List to store the RFHO message. (See the Weapon Employment chapter for more information regarding engagement of an RFHO target)

Any time a datalink message intended for Primary members is received, the aircrew within the receiving aircraft may store the contents of the message by selecting the COM page and then the MSG REC sub-page, or they may store it directly from the TSD. A white REC option will be displayed at VAB L2, which will open the TSD Receive list.

The Receive list will display the four most recent datalink messages that have not already been stored (excluding text messages and mission files). Each entry will include the type of data that has been sent within the message, the originator callsign that sent the message, and the modem protocol through which it was received.

In the example on this page, an RFHO message was received from “DH06” through the DATALINK protocol, indicated by an “L”.

To store an RFHO within the database, perform the following:

  1. TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
  2. REC (VAB R2) – Select to display the Receive list.
  3. Datalink message (VAB L2-L5) – Select.


    NONE (VAB L6) – Select to close the Receive list without storing a message.