The AH-64D navigational database can store 10 unique routes, each consisting of up to 100 point entries. Route sequences may consist of any combination of Waypoints/Hazards and Control Measures, but may not include any points from the Targets/Threats partition. However, “direct” routes may be plotted from the aircraft’s current position to any point file within the database at any time, to include Targets/Threats.
Routes typically consist of a Start Point (SP) and end with a Release Point (RP). When planning a mission, it is useful to have multiple ingress and egress routes to and from the objective area. A route should not be considered a flight plan, but rather an avenue to reach the objective area, reposition to different sectors of the battlefield, or a method to control multiple flights of aircraft. As such, most route points are not required to be directly overflown.
In the example below, a basic route is shown on the TSD that includes a Start Point, a Communications Checkpoint, a standard Waypoint, a Release Point, and a solid green line linking each point within the route.
If a non-frozen TSD is not displayed on either MPD within the crewstation, the EUFDs will display “WAYPOINT APPROACH” in the advisory column to alert the crewmember of an impending turn to the next route point. This advisory will display when the estimated time enroute (ETE) to that route point is 60 seconds at the current ground speed.
When passing the route point, even if the aircraft does not directly overfly it, the next route point is automatically set as the new destination and “WAYPOINT PASSAGE” is displayed on the EUFD for 90 seconds.
TSD Route (RTE) Sub-page¶
The RTE sub-page is used to review information regarding the current route and its points, plot a direct route to a different point in the route or any point outside of the current route sequence, or edit the current route by adding or deleting points from the route sequence. Routes themselves may be selected or deleted entirely from the TSD Route Menu sub-page.
If a point is deleted from a route sequence, it is not removed from the navigational database. Point files may only be deleted from the database using the TSD Point sub-page.
By default, the current route is only displayed on the TSD page when set to NAV phase, or any time the RTE sub- page is displayed. However, the current route may be enabled for display on the TSD in the ATK phase if desired. (See TSD Show sub-page for more information.)
Aircraft Heading. Displays a digital readout of the aircraft’s current magnetic heading in 1° increments.
Route Line. Displays the current route as a solid green line.
When a direct route is created to any point file, the direct route will be displayed as a full intensity green line and the route line will be displayed as a partial intensity green line
Add Point format. Displays the ADD format for adding points to the current route.
Delete Point format. Displays the DEL format for removing points from the current route.
Direct Route format. Displays the DIR format for creating a direct route to an existing point file.
Command Heading. Indicates the magnetic heading to the point selected for navigation.
Reviewed Point. The text of the point that is selected for review will be highlighted in inverse video format.
Route Scroll. Scrolls the Route Points window forward through route sequence when VAB R1 is pressed, or backward through the route sequence when VAB R6 is pressed.
Route Points Window. Displays the point files within the current route sequence and permits selection of the points for review, navigation, editing of the current route. The points window may be scrolled forward or backwards through the route sequence using the Route Scroll buttons (VAB R1/R6).
Each point file within the Route Points window is displayed as a 4-character sequence, with the first two characters representing the point file’s identifier code, and the last two characters representing the point file’s numerical index within its database partition. In the example to the left, the point file is W04 within the WPTHZ partition, which is identified as a Release Point.
When a point file within the Route Points window is selected for review, the point’s label within the Route Points window is outlined within a box.
When a point file within the Route Points window is selected as the navigation destination, the point’s label within the Route Points window is underlined.
Review Status Window. Displays information regarding the reviewed route point. Identification Free Text Estimated Time Enroute Estimated Time of Arrival
Point Index. The database partition and location within which the point resides.
Identification. The one- or two-character abbreviation of the point, which determines its specific symbol and color.
Free Text. The one-, two-, or three-character text that may be added to the point for additional context as to the nature of the location.
Estimated Time Enroute (ETE). The estimated elapsed time to travel to the next point within the route sequence, and each subsequent route leg, until arrival at the reviewed point within the route sequence, based on the current ground speed.
When a direct route is created to any point file, the ETE will be calculated based on the straight-line distance from the ownship position to the reviewed point and the current ground speed.
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA). The estimated time of arrival at the reviewed point, based on the current system time and the estimated time enroute (ETE). The ETA time format (Local or Zulu) is based on the system time format selected on the TSD Utility sub-page.
When a direct route is created to any point file, the ETA will be calculated based on the straight-line distance from the ownship position to the reviewed point and the current ground speed.
Distance to Point (KM). The combined distance, in kilometers, from the ownship position to the next point within the route sequence, and each subsequent route leg, until arrival at the reviewed point.
When a direct route is created to any point file, the distance will be calculated as a straight-line distance from the ownship position to the reviewed point.
Distance to Point (NM). The combined distance, in nautical miles, from the ownship position to the next point within the route sequence, and each subsequent route leg, until arrival at the reviewed point.
When a direct route is created to any point file, the distance will be calculated as a straight-line distance from the ownship position to the reviewed point.
RTM sub-page. Displays the TSD Route Menu sub-page.
TSD Route Menu (RTM) Sub-page¶
The RTM sub-page is used to select a different route sequence for navigation, reverse the current route sequence, or delete all point files from any of the stored route sequences.
Route Select. Selects a route sequence for navigation or for deletion, depending on the Route Select Mode that has been selected at (VAB L4/L5).
Current Route. Indicates the route sequence that is being used for navigation.
Route Select Mode. Determines the function of the Route Select buttons (VAB T1-T5).
NEW. The Command Heading, Navigation Fly-To Cue, and Waypoint Status windows will switch navigation to the first point within the selected route sequence, and any direct route lines will be removed from the TSD.
DELETE. All point files are removed from the route sequence that is subsequently selected. The route name will remain and cannot be changed from within the cockpit.
Route Name. Displays the 5-character name of the corresponding route sequence.
Route Sequence Status windows. Displays the first six point files within the route sequence, in order of navigation.
Reverse Route Sequence. Inverts the route sequence so that the route may be flown in the reverse direction. Each point file will automatically sequence to the next in reverse order as the route is flown. The Route Sequence Status windows will update accordingly to reflect the sequence.
Paging Controls. Cycles forward and back between the first and second pages of route sequences.
Creating a Route using the Mission Editor¶
When using the Mission Editor, waypoints placed on the map from the Helicopter Group’s Route tab will auto- populate into the DCS: AH-64D as the default TSD route sequence, Route “ALPHA”. Each waypoint following the initial Helicopter Group position (waypoint 0) will be displayed as a Waypoint (WP) on the TSD, as part of Route “ALPHA”, and numbered in accordance with their sequence within the Mission Editor.
It is currently only possible to generate one route in the Mission Editor. The remaining nine routes on the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page will be empty of any points. However, points may be added to the remaining routes from the cockpit, if desired, after the mission starts.
Point files within the AH-64D’s navigational database are input and displayed in three dimensions, therefore it may be advisable to set the altitude of all waypoints within the Mission Editor to the minimum value, which corresponds with ground level; especially if intended to mark a specific location or landmark. However, under certain circumstances it may be useful to place them at altitudes above ground, depending on how they are intended to be utilized during the mission. This may be useful to mark locations over the battlefield for illumination rockets or to build 3-dimensional instrument approaches during low-visibility conditions. Creating a Route using the Route (RTE) sub-page When creating a new route, an empty route should be selected on the TSD Route Menu sub-page. After an empty route has been selected, it may be necessary pan the TSD to the first point to be added to the route, and any subsequent points, if not currently located within the viewable TSD footprint. Alternatively, if the point file indexes of the points are known, they may be manually input using the Keyboard Unit (KU).
Routes may only be created or modified using existing points within the navigational database, which cannot be added from the TSD Route sub-page. (See TSD Point sub-page for more information).
To add points to a new route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be added into the KU (e.g., “W11”, “H05”, “C51”, etc).
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be added on TSD.
Route Point (VAB R5) – Select the button adjacent to the route “END” identifier to place the point at the start of the route.
The route “END” identifier will move to the following position within the route sequence.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the next point to be added into the KU (e.g., “W11”, “H05”, “C51”, etc).
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the next point to be added on TSD.
The Route Scroll buttons (VAB R1/R6) may be used as necessary to advance up (or down) within the route sequence.
Route Point (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button adjacent to the route “END” identifier to place the next point at the end of the route.
The route “END” identifier will move to the following position within the route sequence. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as necessary until all points are added to the route sequence as intended.
As each point is added, the route line will be re-drawn as appropriate.
If it is desired to insert any points into an existing route, or to remove points from the route, see Editing a Route on the following pages.
Creating a Direct Route using the Route (RTE) sub-page¶
Any point within the navigational database may be used to create a direct route, to include Target/Threat points. When a direct route is created, a solid green line will be plotted from the ownship’s present position to the point, and the route sequence will be displayed in partial intensity.
If the point that is selected for creation of a direct route is within the current route sequence, upon arrival at the point the direct route will be removed, the route sequence will return to full intensity, and the route will sequence through the remainder of the subsequent route points.
To create a direct route to a point, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- DIR (VAB L5) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index for creating a direct route into the KU (e.g., “W11”, “H05”, “C51”, etc).
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point desired for creating a direct route.
or, if the point is part of the current route
Route Scroll (VAB R1/R6) – Select, as necessary.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the point desired for creating a direct route.
Editing a Route using the Route (RTE) sub-page¶
To remove a point from the current route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- DEL (VAB L4) – Select.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be removed on TSD.
Route Scroll (VAB R1/R6) – Select, as necessary.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the point to be removed.
To insert a point into the current route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be inserted into the KU (e.g., “W11”, “H05”, “C51”, etc).
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be inserted on TSD.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the desired location within the route to which the point will be inserted.
When a point
is inserted into a
position within the
route sequence that
is not the END, the
point that is located
at that position
within the route
sequence will move
to the subsequent
position above it. All
other points that
follow will move to
subsequent positions
Selecting a Route using the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page¶
The route marked as CURRENT on the RTM sub-page is the route sequence currently being utilized for the purpose of navigation.
To select a new route for navigation, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- RTM (VAB B6) – Select.
- NEW (VAB L4) – Verify boxed.
- Paging Controls (VAB B2/B3) – Select as necessary to view the available route sequences.
- Route Select (VAB T1-T5) – Select the desired route sequence.
- REVERSE ROUTE (VAB R5) – Select as necessary, depending on the direction the route is intended to be flown.
Deleting a Route using the Route Menu (RTM) sub-page¶
All point files within a route sequence may be deleted on the RTM sub-page, however the name of the route sequence itself will remain.
To select a route for deletion, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- RTM (VAB B6) – Select.
- DEL (VAB L5) – Select
- Paging Controls (VAB B2/B3) – Select as necessary to view the available route sequences.
- Route Select (VAB T1-T5) – Select the route sequence that is intended for deletion.
YES (VAB L4) – Select to confirm deletion.
NO (VAB L5) – Select to abort deletion.