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Area Weapon System (AWS)

The Area Weapon System is designed for engaging or suppressing targets at close range and is effective against lightly armored vehicles, unarmored vehicles, and personnel. Although the entire M139 AWS also includes the hydraulically-steered turret, ammunition magazine, and ammo handling system that transports ammunition from the magazine to the turret, the most noticeable component of the AWS is the M230E1 30mm gun (also called the “thirty” or simply the “gun”).

The gun may be employed by either crewmember when using the HMD or FCR as the selected sight; or by the CPG when using the TADS. When employed using the HMD as the selected sight, gun engagements are typically performed with the intent to engage or suppress close-range threats to the aircraft, in which the speed of placing “rounds on target” is of greater importance over accuracy and precision. When employed using the TADS as the selected sight, gun engagements may be performed in a more offensive manner in which accuracy and precision is desired.

The gun may be used in the normal “flex gun” mode (NORM mode) in which the gun turret is articulated to match the ballistic solution against the target location as calculated by the Weapon Processors; or in a forward-firing “fixed gun” mode (FXD mode) in which the gun is fixed to a ballistic solution of 1,575 meters directly in front of the aircraft, regardless of the selected sight or computed target location.

During major combat operations, the ammunition capacity of the Area Weapon System can hold up to 1,200 rounds if necessary. However, the ammunition magazine may be replaced with an Internal Auxiliary Fuel System (IAFS), which includes a reduced-size 30mm ammunition magazine but extends the range and endurance of the aircraft with an additional 100 gallons of fuel. The IAFS reduces the ammunition storage to just 25% of its full capacity, limiting the total rounds that may be carried to 300.

M230E1 30mm Automatic Gun

The M230 is a single-barrel, automatic chain gun which fires 30x113mm link-less ammunition. The M230 is designed as an anti-material and anti-personnel weapon, employing a high-explosive dual-purpose (HEDP) round that is capable of penetrating light armor while simultaneously producing fragmentation effects against unarmored vehicles or personnel.

As a chain gun, the weapon uses a rotating chain within the receiver assembly to cycle the internal action in loading the next round for firing and clearing the empty casing from the chamber after firing. This contrasts with other weapons which use the expanding gases from the round’s explosive charge or the recoil of the round itself to cycle the internal action. The gun action is powered by an external drive motor which is supplied with aircraft electrical power.

The gun turret itself is steered using hydraulic pressure from the Utility hydraulic system and includes Wire Strike Protection System (WSPS) components. The WSPS is intended to divert or sever high-tension wires that may be inadvertently encountered by the aircraft during low-level operations, especially during hours of darkness. The M230 is intended as a “low-signature weapon”, in which tracer rounds are not utilized and the gun barrel is equipped with a flash suppressor to reduce visual detection during operations at night.

The M230 has an approximate rate of fire of 625 (±25) rounds per minute, but this may vary slightly between individual aircraft. Two types of ammunition may be employed, each with identical ballistic characteristics.

M789 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose (HEDP). The M789 round uses a shaped charge surrounded by a steel case to provide armor penetration and fragmentation effects.

US Army photo by MAJ Enrique Vasquez

M788 Training/Practice (TP). The M788 round uses an inert round casing with an aluminum tip to simulate the ballistic characteristics of the M789 during live-fire training and exercises.

US Army photo by SGT Sarah Sangster

The M789 and M788 rounds have a relatively low muzzle velocity. As such, they are ill-suited for long-range precision engagements, with an effective range of approximately 1,500 meters; although the AH-64 fire control system will calculate a ballistic solution for the M230 out to 4,200 meters.

Gun Articulation Limits

The AWS turret can articulate through a maximum range of ±86° in azimuth and +11°/-60° in elevation. However, additional limitations are automatically applied to the turret based on specific conditions.

  • If the gun azimuth is within ±10° of the aircraft centerline, the elevation is limited to +9°. This limitation does not apply when the gun is de-actioned and the gun is stowed at +11° in elevation.
  • If the aircraft is on the ground (weight-on-wheels), the elevation is limited to -6.45°.

Gun Articulation Limits

  • If the gun is actioned while the missiles are also actioned, and the next-to-launch missile is on an inboard launcher rail of an inboard pylon, the gun azimuth will be limited to 52° on the corresponding side of the aircraft to prevent the missile from colliding with the gun barrel.
  • If the gun is actioned while the rockets are also actioned, and rocket launchers are installed on the inboard pylons, the gun azimuth will be limited to ±60° to either side to prevent the rockets from colliding with the gun barrel.

Gun Articulation Limits with Missiles/Rockets on Inboard Pylons

Gun Weapon Inhibits

The following conditions will inhibit the gun from being fired or interrupt the firing of the gun if already in in progress. Performance inhibits may be overridden by pulling the trigger to the 2 nd detent. Safety inhibits cannot be overridden.

Performance Inhibits

    The required weapon aiming solution exceeds the ballistics processing capability.

    • If tactically feasible, engage the target at a closer range.
Safety Inhibits

    A missile launch or a rocket salvo is already in progress.

    • The gun may be fired 2 seconds after the missile launch or rocket salvo is complete.

    The gun turret is at an azimuth limit and cannot reach the weapon aiming solution.

    • Adjust the aircraft heading as necessary to bring the weapon aiming solution within the azimuth limits of the gun turret.

    The gun is out of coincidence from the weapon aiming solution.

    • Wait for the gun to reach the weapon aiming solution. If inhibit message remains, the gun may have experienced a failure and should be de-actioned.

    The gun turret is at an elevation limit and cannot reach the weapon aiming solution.

    • Adjust the aircraft pitch attitude as necessary to bring the weapon aiming solution within the elevation limits of the gun turret (e.g., pitch the nose up when engaging a target at long range).

    The line-of-sight of the selected sight is invalid or has failed; and cannot provide a weapon aiming solution to the gun.

    • Select a different sight for engagement. If using HMD as the sight and the LOS Reticle is flashing, adjust the helmet position to within the slew limits of the assigned NVS sensor (PNVS or TADS).
  • SAFE:

    The master armament state is currently set to SAFE; weapons cannot be fired.

    • Set the A/S button on the Armament Panel to ARM.

WPN Gun (GUN) Format

When the gun is selected for employment within the crewstation, the WPN page will be set to GUN format.

  1. Burst Limit Select. Displays the quantity of 30mm rounds that will be fired each time the weapon trigger is pulled and held. When the burst limit is reached, a subsequent trigger pull is required to fire a subsequent burst. This setting is independent between crewstations.

    • 10. Gun burst is limited to 10 rounds of ammunition.

    • 20. Gun burst is limited to 20 rounds of ammunition.

    • 50. Gun burst is limited to 50 rounds of ammunition.

    • 100. Gun burst is limited to 100 rounds of ammunition.

    • ALL. The gun will continuously fire until the ammunition is depleted.

  2. Mode Select. Displays the selected firing mode of the gun. This setting is independent between crewstations.

    • NORM. The gun turret is articulated to match the weapon aiming solution derived from the crewmember’s selected sight and range source, as calculated by the Weapon Processors.

    • FXD. The gun turret is fixed forward to a weapon aiming solution directly in front of the aircraft at a range of 1,575 meters, regardless of the selected sight or range source.

  3. Gun Status. Displays the status of the gun and the remaining quantity of ammunition on board the aircraft.

  4. Harmonize Mode (CPG Only). Not implemented.

Gun Weapon Status Messages

The following messages will be displayed in the High Action Display based on current gun status or weapon page settings when the gun is actioned.

  • ROUNDS ####: The gun is actioned and the number of remaining rounds onboard is displayed.
  • WEAPON?: The weapon trigger has been pulled but no weapon has been actioned.

Gun Engagement Using TADS (NORM Mode)

When employing the AWS with the TADS, ballistic compensation for aircraft linear velocities and environmental factors is automatically calculated. If the target is moving, continuous laser designation via the 2 nd detent of the laser trigger should be used to incorporate the Target State Estimator (TSE) for lead-angle compensation. TADS LMC and/or IAT may also be used to assist the CPG in stabilizing the TADS LOS Reticle on the target.

To engage a target from the CPG crewstation while using the TADS as the selected sight:

  1. CPG Sight Select switch – TADS. (TEDAC Right Handgrip)
  2. CPG WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.

  3. CPG (Optional) Determine the appropriate acquisition source (ACQ) for
    acquiring the target.

    • If the target is visually acquired by either crewmember, set ACQ to PHS or GHS.
    • If the target is stored as a point within the navigational database, set ACQ to the corresponding point.
  4. CPG (Optional) SLAVE button – Press, and then press again to de-slave when
    the TADS has finished slewing.

  5. CPG Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Forward. (TEDAC Left Handgrip)
  6. CPG Weapon Status – Verify “ROUNDS ####”. (High Action Display)
  7. CPG Weapon settings – Verify or select. (WPN page)

    • BURST LIMIT (VAB L1-L5) – Select as desired.
    • MODE (VAB R2) – Select NORM.
  8. CPG A/S button – Verified in ARM. (Armament Panel)

  9. CPG Range source – Verify or select: Laser, Navigation, Auto, or Manual. (TADS Acquisition and Ranging)

  10. CPG If the target or aircraft are moving, engage TADS targeting modes to stabilize the TADS on target.

    • Manual tracking - Engage LMC and employ the Sight Manual Tracker.
    • Automatic tracking - Engage IAT.
  11. CPG LRFD Trigger – Pull, if laser ranging is desired. (TEDAC Right Handgrip)

    • Target and aircraft are stationary – LRFD trigger, 1st detent, may be pulled momentarily (ranging).
    • Target or aircraft are moving – LRFD trigger, 2nd detent, should be pulled and held (designation).
  12. CPG Weapon Inhibit messages – Verify no Safety or Performance inhibit messages are displayed:

    • AZ LIMIT
    • EL LIMIT
  13. CPG Weapon Trigger – Pull and hold for duration of burst. (TEDAC Left Handgrip)

  14. CPG Observe for round impacts – Adjust the TADS LOS Reticle aimpoint and repeat bursts on target as necessary until target effects are achieved.

Gun Engagement Using FCR (NORM Mode)

When employing the AWS with the FCR, the NTS target is used for calculating the weapon aiming solution for the AWS turret. Ballistic compensation for aircraft linear velocities and environmental factors is automatically calculated. If the target is moving, the target should be engaged in as short amount of time possible following the completion of the FCR scan to ensure the lead-angle compensation to the target is accurate.

To engage a target from either crewstation while using the FCR as the selected sight:

  1. Sight Select switch – FCR. (Collective Mission Grip or TEDAC Right Handgrip)
  2. NTS (VAB L1) – Select to advance NTS to desired target for engagement.


    MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select desired target for engagement.

  3. Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Forward. (Cyclic Grip or TEDAC Left Handgrip)

  4. Weapon Status – Verify “ROUNDS ####”. (High Action Display)
  5. WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
  6. Weapon settings – Verify or select.

    • BURST LIMIT ( VAB L1-L5) – Select as desired.
    • MODE (VAB R2) – Select NORM.
  7. A/S button – Verify ARM is illuminated. (Armament Panel)

  8. Range source – Verify Radar range is within appropriate engagement range.
  9. Weapon Inhibit messages – Verify no Safety or Performance inhibit messages are displayed:

    • AZ LIMIT
    • EL LIMIT
  10. Weapon Trigger – Pull and hold for duration of burst. (Cyclic Grip or TEDAC Left Handgrip)

Gun Engagement Using HMD (NORM Mode)

When employing the AWS with the HMD, the gun can be used to rapidly suppress close-in threats to the aircraft. However, unlike the TADS, the HMD does not provide any ballistic compensation for the gun with the exception of range compensation. Lead angle and other linear velocity compensations must be manually provided by the crewmember by adjusting the LOS Reticle of the HMD accordingly.

To engage a target from either crewstation while using the HMD as the selected sight:

  1. Sight Select switch – HMD. (Cyclic Grip or TEDAC Right Handgrip)
  2. Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Forward. (Cyclic Grip or TEDAC Left Handgrip)


    The range source will be automatically set to Manual range based on the WPN page MANRNG> value.

  3. Weapon Status – Verify “ROUNDS ####”. (High Action Display)

  4. WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
  5. Weapon settings – Verify or select.

    • BURST LIMIT (VAB L1-L5) – Select as desired.
    • MODE (VAB R2) – Select NORM.
  6. A/S button – Verify ARM is illuminated. (Armament Panel)

  7. Range source – Verify or select: Navigation, Auto, or Manual. (HMD Acquisition and Ranging)
  8. Weapon Inhibit messages – Verify no Safety or Performance inhibit messages are displayed:

    • AZ LIMIT
    • EL LIMIT
  9. Weapon Trigger – Pull and hold for duration of burst. (Cyclic Grip or TEDAC Left Handgrip)


    If the CPG actions the gun from the Cyclic Grip, the cyclic weapon trigger must be used. If the CPG actions the gun from the TEDAC Left Handgrip, the TEDAC weapon trigger must be used.

  10. Observe for round impacts – Adjust the HMD LOS Reticle aimpoint and repeat bursts on target as necessary until weapon effects are achieved.

Gun Engagement Using HMD (FXD Mode)

When employing the AWS in Fixed mode, the gun is fixed forward at a ballistic solution of 1,575 meters, requiring the pilot to maneuver the aircraft to aim the gun at the target. The Fixed Gun Reticle is identical to the Cued LOS Reticle of the acquisition source (ACQ) and represents the virtual location in front of the aircraft that coincides with the 1,575-meter ballistic solution.

To engage a target from either crewstation while using the gun in Fixed mode and the HMD as the selected sight:

  1. Sight Select switch – HMD. (Cyclic Grip)
  2. Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Forward. (Cyclic Grip)
  3. Weapon Status – Verify “ROUNDS ####”. (High Action Display)
  4. WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
  5. Weapon settings – Verify or select. (WPN page)

    • BURST LIMIT (VAB L1-L5) – Select as desired.
    • MODE (VAB R2) – Select FXD.
  6. A/S button – Verify ARM is illuminated. (Armament Panel)

  7. Weapon Inhibit messages – Verify no Safety or Performance inhibit messages are displayed:

  8. Maneuver aircraft to adjust the HMD Fixed Gun Reticle aimpoint as necessary.

  9. Weapon Trigger – Pull and hold for duration of burst. (Cyclic Grip)
  10. Observe for round impacts – Maneuver aircraft to adjust the HMD Fixed Gun Reticle aimpoint and repeat bursts on target as necessary until weapon effects are achieved.