Abbreviated Checklists¶
Abbreviated checklists for performing start-up, ground taxi, takeoff, landing, and shutdown procedures.
Aircraft Start¶
Once the interior checks are complete, perform the following:
- PLT MSTR IGN switch – BATT (or EXT PWR if external power is to be used).
- PLT TAIL WHEEL button – Verify locked; “UNLOCK” light is not illuminated.
- PLT & CPG ICS system – Check to verify communications between crewstations.
- PLT & CPG INTR LT PRESS-TO-TEST button – Press and hold; verify all signal lights illuminate.
- PLT / CPG MSTR WARN, MSTR CAUT, and EUFD – Check for any malfunction indications.
- PLT FIRE DET/EXTG TEST switch held to position 1 – Both crewmembers check for correct indications.
- CPG FIRE DET/EXTG TEST switch held to position 2 – Both crewmembers check for correct indications.
- PLT APU button – Press and release to initiate APU start sequence.
- PLT EUFD advisory column – Verify “APU ON” message is displayed.
PLT MSTR IGN – BATT (if external power was used prior to APU start).
Once the APU has been started and the MPDs have initialized, perform the following:
PLT & CPG Canopy door – Close.
- PLT / CPG DTU page – Select MASTER LOAD to upload DTC data to the aircraft systems. (N/I)
- PLT & CPG Aircraft systems – Initialize and configure remaining options as appropriate for mission
- PLT Standby Attitude Indicator – Uncage.
- PLT RTR BRK switch – OFF (or LOCK if performing a Rotor Lock start).
- PLT EXT LT ANTI-COL switch – WHT for day, or RED for night.
PLT First engine – Start as follows:
- ENG START switch – START.
- POWER lever – IDLE, at first indication of NG increase and if TGT is less than 80° C.
PLT Second Engine – Repeat the steps above after first engine start sequence is complete.
- PLT RTR BRK switch – OFF.
- PLT POWER levers – Advance both POWER levers smoothly to FLY.
- PLT NP and NR – Verify 101%.
- PLT MSTR WARN, MSTR CAUT, and EUFD – Monitor for any malfunction indications.
- PLT APU button – Press and release to initiate APU shutdown sequence
Ground Taxi¶
Prior to initiating ground taxi, perform the following:
- PLT / CPG Chocks removed – Verify.
- PLT / CPG Bleed Air – On.
- PLT / CPG ANTI-ICE – As required.
- PLT EXT LT panel – As required.
- PLT & CPG Searchlight – As required.
PLT PARK BRAKE – Release by applying wheel brake pressure; ensure PARK BRAKE handle is inward.
During ground taxi, perform the following:
PLT / CPG TAIL WHEEL button – Unlock; “UNLOCK” light is illuminated.
- PLT & CPG Wheel brakes – Check in each crew station.
- PLT / CPG ENG page – Check; ensure NP and NR 101%, all indications green.
- PLT / CPG FLT page – Check; update altimeter if necessary.
- PLT Pilot standby instruments – Check; update standby altimeter if necessary
Before Takeoff¶
Perform the following prior to lifting up to a hover or initiating takeoff from the ground:
- PLT & CPG Weapons systems – Check the following:
- A/S button – “SAFE” light is illuminated.
- GND ORIDE button – Off; “ON” light is not illuminated.
- Weapons not actioned – Verify.
- PLT / CPG TAIL WHEEL button – Verify locked; “UNLOCK” light is not illuminated.
- PLT PARK BRAKE – As desired (Ensure released unless operating on uneven or sloped terrain).
- PLT & CPG POWER levers – Ensure both POWER levers are set to FLY.
- PLT / CPG Systems – Check as follows:
- FUEL page – Verify options set as appropriate.
- Fuel quantity – Check; verify sufficient fuel is onboard the aircraft for the mission.
- EUFD – Check; clear of Warnings and Cautions.
- Engine and flight instruments – Check.
- ASE – As required.
- Avionics – As desired (Transponder/Radios on COM page; Navigation on TSD page).
- PLT Hover Power Check – Perform. (see Hover Power Check for more information.)
Before Landing¶
Prior to landing, perform the following:
- PLT & CPG Weapons systems – Check the following:
- A/S button – “SAFE” light is illuminated.
- GND ORIDE button – Off; “ON” light is not illuminated.
- Weapons not actioned – Verify.
- PLT / CPG ASE – As required.
- PLT / CPG TAIL WHEEL button – Verify locked; “UNLOCK” light is not illuminated.
- PLT PARK BRAKE – Ensure brakes are released, PARK BRAKE handle is inward.
After Landing¶
After landing, perform the following:
- PLT / CPG TAIL WHEEL button – Unlock as necessary for ground taxi.
- PLT EXT LT – Set exterior lighting in accordance with local procedures.
- PLT / CPG Avionics – As desired (COM/TSD pages).
- Transponder – STBY.
- Communications – As appropriate; verify on EUFD.
Aircraft Shutdown¶
Once stationary in designated parking location, perform the following:
- PLT APU button – Press and release to initiate APU start sequence.
- PLT / CPG TAIL WHEEL button – Verify locked; “UNLOCK” light is not illuminated.
PLT PARK BRAKE – Brakes set; PARK BRAKE handle is pulled outward.
Prior to retarding the POWER levers to IDLE, verify the “APU ON” advisory message is displayed on the EUFD:
PLT POWER levers – Retard both POWER levers to IDLE; press EUFD Stopwatch button to start a timer for a 2-minute engine cooldown.
- PLT Standby Attitude Indicator – Cage.
- PLT CMWS Power/Test knob – OFF.
- PLT & CPG NVS Mode switch – OFF.
- PLT ACM switch – OFF.
- CPG ACM button – Disable ACM.
- CPG TDU Mode knob – OFF.
- PLT POWER levers – OFF after 2 minutes have elapsed on EUFD stopwatch.
- PLT RTR BRK switch – BRK after NR has decreased below 50%.
- PLT Stabilator – Manually set the stabilator angle to 0°.
- PLT Searchlight – STOW.
- PLT RTR BRK switch – OFF after main rotor has stopped.
- PLT EXT LT – All exterior lighting to OFF.
- PLT & CPG INTR LT – All interior lighting to OFF.
- PLT APU button – Press and release to initiate APU shutdown sequence.
Abbreviated checklists for adding/editing/deleting/storing points, selecting a point for direct navigation, selecting/editing/deleting a route, tuning the ADF to an NDB, or editing an NDB preset.
Adding a Point on the TSD¶
To quickly add a point using the “cursor drop” method, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
- Point Type (VAB L3-L6) – Select WP, HZ, CM, or TG as desired.
- MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Slew to desired location on TSD.
- MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Press.
To add a point using the Keyboard Unit, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
- ABR (T4) – Select, as required to review point abbreviations.
- Point Type (VAB L3-L6) – Select WP, HZ, CM, or TG as desired.
- IDENT> (VAB L1) – Select.
- Input identifier data using the KU, and press ENTER on the KU.
- Input free text data using the KU, and press ENTER on the KU.
- Input location data using the KU, and press ENTER on the KU.
- Input altitude data using the KU, and press ENTER on the KU.
Editing a Point on the TSD¶
To edit a point using the Keyboard Unit, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be edited into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be edited on TSD.
EDIT (VAB L3) – Select.
- FREE> (VAB L1) – Select.
- If the existing free text is desired, simply press ENTER on the KU. If different free text data is desired, input new free text, and press ENTER on the KU.
- If the existing location is desired, simply press ENTER on the KU. If different location data is desired, input new location, and press ENTER on the KU.
- If the existing altitude is desired, simply press ENTER on the KU. If different altitude data is desired, input new altitude, and press ENTER on the KU.
Deleting a Point on the TSD¶
To delete a point, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be edited into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be edited on TSD.
DEL (VAB L4) – Select.
YES (VAB L3) – Select to confirm deletion.
NO (VAB L4) – Select to abort deletion.
Storing a Point on the TSD¶
To store a point at the current aircraft position, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- STO (VAB L5) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L6) – Select WP or TG as desired.
- NOW (VAB L1) - Select.
To store a point at the CPG’s HMD line-of-sight using an Automatic range, perform the following:
- Sight Select switch – HMD.
- WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MANRNG (VAB B6) – Select, enter “A” on the KU, and press ENTER.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- STO (VAB L5) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L6) – Select WP or TG as desired.
- Position the HMD LOS Reticle over the desired location.
- STORE/UPDT switch – STORE.
To store a point at the CPG TADS line-of-sight using a laser range, perform the following:
- NVS Mode switch – OFF, if applicable.
- Sight Select switch – TADS.
- Sight Manual Tracker – Position the TADS LOS Reticle over the desired location.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- STO (VAB L5) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L6) – Select WP or TG as desired.
- ARM/SAFE button – ARM.
- LRFD trigger – 1st detent for ranging.
- STORE/UPDT switch – STORE.
To store a point at the CPG TADS line-of-sight using an Automatic range, perform the following:
- NVS Mode switch – OFF, if applicable.
- Sight Select switch – TADS.
- WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MANRNG (VAB B6) – Select, enter “A” on the KU, and press ENTER.
- Sight Manual Tracker – Position the TADS LOS Reticle over the desired location.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- STO (VAB L5) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L6) – Select WP or TG as desired.
- STORE/UPDT switch – STORE.
Creating a Route on the TSD¶
To add points to a new route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be added into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be added on TSD.
Route Point (VAB R5) – Select the button adjacent to the route “END” identifier to place the point at the start of the route.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the next point to be added into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the next point to be added on TSD.
Route Point (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button adjacent to the route “END” identifier to place the next point at the end of the route.
To create a direct route to a point, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- DIR (VAB L5) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be added into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be removed on TSD.
or, if the point is part of the current route,
Route Scroll (VAB R1/R6) – Select, as necessary.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the point desired for creating a direct route.
Editing a Route on the TSD¶
To insert a point into the current route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- ADD (VAB L2) – Select.
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be added into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be added on TSD.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the desired location within the route to which the point will be inserted.
To remove a point from the current route, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- DEL (VAB L4) – Select.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be removed on TSD.
Route Scroll (VAB R1/R6) – Select, as necessary.
Route Points (VAB R2-R5) – Select the button that corresponds with the point that to be removed.
Selecting a New Route¶
To select a new route for navigation, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- RTM (VAB B6) – Select.
- NEW (VAB L4) – Verify boxed.
- Paging Controls (VAB B2/B3) – Select as necessary to view the available route sequences.
- Route Select (VAB T1-T5) – Select the desired route sequence.
- REVERSE ROUTE (VAB R5) – Select as necessary, depending on the direction the route is intended to be flown.
Deleting a Route¶
To select a route for deletion, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RTE (VAB B5) – Select.
- RTM (VAB B6) – Select.
- DEL (VAB L4) – Verify boxed.
- Paging Controls (VAB B2/B3) – Select as necessary to view the available route sequences.
- Route Select (VAB T1-T5) – Select the route sequence that is intended for deletion.
YES (VAB L4) – Select to confirm deletion.
NO (VAB L5) – Select to abort deletion.
Tuning the ADF to a Manual Frequency¶
To tune the ADF to a manual frequency, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- INST (VAB L1) – Select.
- FREQ> (VAB L3) – Select and input the manual frequency using the KU.
Tuning the ADF to a Preset Frequency¶
To tune the ADF to a preset frequency, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- INST (VAB L1) – Select.
- UTIL (VAB T6) – Select.
- Preset (VAB L2-L6, R2-R6) – Select as desired.
- TUNE (VAB T5) – Select.
Editing an ADF Preset¶
To edit an ADF preset using the KU, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- INST (VAB L1) – Select.
- UTIL (VAB T6) – Select.
- Preset (VAB L2-L6, R2-R6) – Select as desired.
- ID> (VAB B4) – Select and input the desired 3-character identifier on the KU.
- FREQ> (VAB B5) – Select and input the desired preset frequency on the KU.
Radio Communications¶
Abbreviated checklists for tuning radios to preset or manual frequencies, via the EUFD or the MPD COM page.
Tuning a Radio to a Preset frequency/network¶
To assign a preset frequency/network to a radio using an MPD, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- Preset (VAB L1-L5, R1-R5) – Select as desired.
- RADIO (VAB T1-T5) – Select as desired.
- TUNE Mode (VAB B2) – Set as PRI or STBY as desired.
- TUNE Select (VAB B6) – Select SC.
To assign a preset frequency/network to a radio using the EUFD, perform the following:
- EUFD Preset button – Press to display the preset list
- EUFD RTS rocker switch – Select radio to tune.
- EUFD WCA rocker switch – Select preset frequency from preset list.
- EUFD Enter button – Press.
Tuning a Radio to a Manual frequency¶
To manually tune a VHF, UHF, or FM frequency, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MAN (VAB B2) – Select.
VHF> (VAB L1) – Select and input the frequency on the KU.
UHF> (VAB L1) – Select and input the frequency on the KU.
FM1> (VAB L1) – Select and input the frequency on the KU
FM2> (VAB L1) – Select and input the frequency on the KU
To manually tune an HF frequency, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MAN (VAB B2) – Select.
- HF RECV – FREQ> (VAB R1) – Select and input the receive frequency on the KU.
- HF XMIT – FREQ> (VAB R3) – Select and input the transmit frequency on the KU.
Datalink Communications¶
Abbreviated checklists for configuring datalink networks and transmitting/receiving/reviewing datalink messages.
Tuning a datalink network is performed by tuning the COM Preset to which the network is associated, using the MPD COM page or the EUFD. (See the Radio Communications checklists above.)
Editing the Ownship network settings¶
To edit the ownship Originator Identification using the Member Directory, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- ORIG ID (VAB B4) – Select.
- ORIG DIR (VAB L6) – Select.
- Directory Member (VAB L1-L4, R1-R4) – Select as desired.
- REPLACE (VAB T5) – Select to replace the existing ownship originator information with the selected directory member.
To edit the ownship Originator Identification using the Keyboard Unit, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- ORIG ID (VAB B4) – Select.
- DATALINK ORIG ID> (VAB R1) – Select and input the ownship’s originator ID number on the KU.
Editing a Preset network settings¶
To enable a COM Preset to use a Datalink network, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- Preset (VAB L1-L5, R1-R3) – Select as desired.
- PRESET EDIT (VAB B6) – Select.
- MODEM (VAB R6) – Select.
- PROTOCOL (VAB L1) – Select.
- DATALINK (VAB L1) – Select.
Building a Datalink network¶
To build a COM Preset’s network of Subscribers from the Member Directory, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- Preset (VAB L1-L5, R1-R3) – Select as desired.
- NET (VAB B4) – Select.
- MBR DIR (VAB L6) – Select.
- Directory Member (VAB L1-L4, R1-R4) – Select as desired.
ADD (VAB T6) – Select to add the selected directory member into the first available subscriber entry.
REPLACE (VAB T5) – Select to replace an existing subscriber entry with the selected directory member. 7. Network Member (VAB L1-L5, R1-R5) – Select the network member to replace with the selected directory member.
Editing a Datalink network¶
To edit a COM Preset’s network of Subscribers using the Keyboard Unit, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- Preset (VAB L1-L5, R1-R3) – Select as desired.
- NET (VAB B4) – Select.
- Network Member (VAB L1-L5, R1-R5) – Select.
- C/S> (VAB T5) – Select and input the network member’s callsign on the KU.
- SUB> (VAB T6) – Select and input the network member’s subscriber ID on the KU.
- TEAM (VAB T3) – Set to enable the network member to receive Team datalink messages.
- PRI (VAB T4) – Set to enable the network member to receive Primary datalink messages.
Sending a Text message¶
To send a pre-composed Text message to all Team members within a datalink network, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – SEND (VAB T6) – Select.
- TEXT (VAB T6) – Select.
- TEXT MSG – MPS (VAB T3) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L5, R1-R5) – Select as desired.
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
To send a custom Text message to all Team members within a datalink network, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – SEND (VAB T6) – Select.
- TEXT (VAB T6) – Select.
- TEXT MSG – FREE (VAB T4) – Select.
- CLEAR (VAB T5) – Select to clear existing text entries if necessary.
- TEXT 1> (VAB L1) – Select and input the first line of text on the KU.
- TEXT 2> (VAB L1) – Select and input the second line of text on the KU, if desired.
- TEXT 3> (VAB L1) – Select and input the third line of text on the KU, if desired.
- TEXT 4> (VAB L1) – Select and input the fourth line of text on the KU, if desired.
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving a Text message¶
To review a text message received through the datalink, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the FREE TEXT message to be reviewed.
- RVW (VAB T2) – Select.
Sending a Mission File¶
To send a Mission File, or all Mission Files, to all Team members within a datalink network, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – SEND (VAB T6) – Select.
Mission File Select (VAB L1-L3, L4, L5, or R2) – Select as desired to send an individual mission file.
ALL (VAB B4) – Select to send all mission files in the aircraft memory.
SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
To send a Route, or the Route file, to all Team members within a datalink network, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – SEND (VAB T6) – Select.
- ROUTE (VAB B3) – Select.
Route Select (VAB L1-L6, R2-R5) – Select as desired to send n single route.
ALL (VAB B4) – Select to send all routes within the Route file.
SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving a Mission File¶
To store a Mission File received through the datalink, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the WPT/HZD FILE, CLTRM FILE, TGT/THRT FILE, LASER CODES, ROUTE, or ROUTE FILE to be stored.
- STORE (VAB T2) – Press.
Sending a TSD Point¶
To send an individual TSD Point to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- POINT (VAB B6) – Select.
- XMIT (VAB L6) – Select
POINT> (VAB L1) – Select and input the point index of the point to be transmitted into the KU.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the point to be transmitted on TSD.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired.
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving a TSD Point¶
To store a TSD Point received through the datalink from the TSD page, perform the following::
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- REC (VAB L2) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L2-L5) – Select WPT/HZD, CTRLM, or TGT/THRT.
To store a TSD Point received through the datalink from the COM page, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the WPT/HZD, CLTRM, or TGT/THRT to be stored.
- STORE (VAB T2) – Press.
Sending a BDA Report¶
To send/request a Battle Damage Assessment Report to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RPT (VAB T1) – Select.
- BDA (VAB L1) – Select.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to SEND to send a BDA Report.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to RQST to request a BDA Report. 6. OWN (VAB L4) – Select to include ownship SHOT file in the BDA report.
ALL (VAB L5) – Select to include ownship and datalink-received SHOT files in the BDA report.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Sending a TGT Report¶
To send an FCR Target Report to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RPT (VAB T1) – Select.
ALL (VAB L4) – Select to include all FCR targets in the TGT report.
PRI (VAB L5) – Select to include 16 high-priority FCR targets in the TGT report.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select individual FCR targets to be transmitted within the TGT report.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Sending a PP Report¶
To send/request a Present Position Report to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RPT (VAB T1) – Select.
- PP (VAB L3) – Select.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to SEND to send a PP Report.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to RQST to request a PP Report.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Sending a FARM Report¶
To send/request a Fuel/Ammunition/Rockets/Missiles Report to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- DL rocker switch – Select radio with the corresponding datalink network.
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- RPT (VAB T1) – Select.
- FARM (VAB L4) – Select.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to SEND to send a FARM Report.
MSG (VAB B2) – Set to RQST to request a FARM Report.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving BDA/TGT/PP/FARM Reports¶
To store BDA, TGT, PP, or FARM Reports received through the datalink from the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- REC (VAB L2) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L2-L5) – Select BDA REPORT, FCR TGT RPT, PP REPORT, or FARM REPORT.
To store BDA, TGT, PP, or FARM Reports received through the datalink from the COM page, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the BDA REPORT, FCR TGT RPT, PP REPORT, or FARM REPORT to be stored.
- STORE (VAB T2) – Press.
Drawing/Assigning Fire Zones¶
To draw Priority Fire Zones on the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- BAM (VAB B3) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L1) – Set to PF.
- OPT (VAB L2) – Select AUTO, MAN, or TRP as desired.
#Z (VAB L5) – Select desired number of zones if OPT is set to AUTO or MAN.
KM (VAB L5) – Select zone size (in kilometers) if OPT is set to TRP.
DR (VAB L6) – Select BX or LN as desired.
- MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Draw each zone in sequence as necessary.
To assign Priority Fire Zones to selected Primary members on the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- BAM (VAB B3) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L1) – Set to PF to draw Priority Fire Zones.
- ASN (VAB T4) – Select.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select for each zone in sequence as desired.
OWN (VAB B6) – Select to assign ownship to the selected zone.
To draw No Fire Zones on the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- BAM (VAB B3) – Select.
- TYPE (VAB L1) – Set to NF.
- SEL (VAB L2) – Select as desired.
- Zone Select (VAB T1, T2, L1-L6) – Select an empty (white) zone as desired.
- DR (VAB L6) – Select BX or LN as desired.
- MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Draw each zone in sequence as necessary.
ACT (VAB L3) – Select to accept and activate the NFZ.
ACCEPT (VAB L4) – Select to accept but not activate the NFZ.
Sending Fire Zones¶
To send Priority Fire Zones and/or No Fire Zones to selected Primary members, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- BAM (VAB B3) – Select.
TYPE (VAB L1) – Set to PF or NF, if intending to send only one type of zones
XMIT BOTH (VAB B5) – Select, if intending to send both types of zones.
Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving Fire Zones¶
To store Fire Zones received through the datalink from the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- REC (VAB L2) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L2-L5) – Select PF ZONE or NF ZONE.
To store Fire Zones received through the datalink from the COM page, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the PF ZONE or NF ZONE to be stored.
- STORE (VAB T2) – Press.
Sending an RF Handover¶
To send an RFHO to selected Primary members, perform the following:
Sight Select switch – FCR, if FCR is not the selected sight.
FCR Fixed Action Button – Press, if FCR is the selected sight.
NTS (VAB L1) – Select NTS target for RF Handover.
MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select NTS target for RF Handover.
RFHO (VAB R4) – Select.
- Primary Member(s) (VAB T5, T6, R1-R5) – Select as desired.
- SEND (VAB R6) – Press.
Receiving an RF Handover¶
To store an RFHO received through the datalink from the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- REC (VAB L2) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L2-L5) – Select RFHO.
To store an RFHO received through the datalink from the COM page, perform the following:
- COM Fixed Action Button – Press.
- MSG – REC (VAB B5) – Select.
- Message Select (VAB L1-L6, R1-R6) – Select the RFHO to be stored.
- STORE (VAB T2) – Press.
Combat Employment¶
Abbreviated checklists for performing pre-combat checks, selecting acquisition sources, engaging targets with each weapon system, and post-engagement procedures.
Performing Pre-Combat Checks¶
When approaching the Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA), the following should be considered:
- Weapons – Set Armament panel to ARM and ensure weapons are properly configured for the mission.
- ASE – Arm defensive systems on the ASE page and CMWS control panel.
- IFF (N/I) – Ensure Identification Friend-or-Foe transponder settings are configured.
- Lights – Off (or set Formation lighting as appropriate).
- Recorder (N/I) – Configure and set appropriately.
- MPDs – Select TSD phase and pages as desired.
Selecting an Acquisition Source¶
To select an Acquisition source from the ACQ expanded menu, perform the following:
- TSD, FCR, or WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
- ACQ (VAB R6) – Select.
- Select desired ACQ source from expanded menu options.
To select a TSD Point as an Acquisition source directly from the TSD page, perform the following:
- TSD Fixed Action Button – Press.
- CAQ (VAB R5) – Select.
- MPD Cursor Controller/Enter – Select the desired point on TSD.
To select a TSD point as an Acquisition source from the COORD page database, perform the following:
- TSD or WPN Fixed Action Button – Press.
- COORD (VAB T5) – Select.
- WPTHZ (VAB T1) or CTRLM (VAB T2) – Select if necessary.
Use paging controls (VAB B2/B3) – Select.
SRCH> (VAB B4) – Select and enter desired point index on the KU.
Point select (VAB L1-L6) – Select the desired point.
Engaging a Target with 30mm Area Weapon System¶
To engage a target with the 30mm Area Weapon System (AWS), perform the following:
- Sight select – TADS, FCR, or HMD as desired and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
- Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Forward to GUN.
- ARM/SAFE button – ARM (Performed by crewmember not on the controls).
- Range – Set as desired or verify in the HAD Range/Range Source field.
- Messages – Verify no Weapon Inhibit messages are displayed. Verify “ROUNDS ####” is displayed in the HAD Weapon Status field.
- Fire – Squeeze weapon trigger to 1st detent (2nd detent to override performance inhibits).
Engaging a Target with 2.75-inch Unguided Rockets¶
To independently (HMD) engage a target with 2.75-inch unguided rockets, perform the following:
- Sight select – TADS, FCR, or HMD as desired and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
- Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Left to RKT.
- ARM/SAFE button – ARM (Performed by crewmember not on the controls).
- Range – Set as desired or verify in the HAD Range/Range Source field.
- Messages – Verify no Weapon Inhibit messages are displayed. Verify “RKT NORM” is displayed in the HAD Weapon Status field.
- Fire – Squeeze weapon trigger to 1st detent (2nd detent to override performance inhibits).
To cooperatively (COOP) engage a target with 2.75-inch unguided rockets, perform the following:
- PLT Sight select – HMD and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
- CPG Sight select – TADS or FCR and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
- PLT Weapon Action Switch (WAS) on Cyclic – Left to RKT.
- CPG Weapon Action Switch (WAS) on TEDAC Left Handgrip – Left to RKT.
- PLT / CPG ARM/SAFE button – ARM (Performed by crewmember not on the controls).
- CPG Range – Set as desired or verify in the HAD Range/Range Source field.
- PLT & CPG Messages – Verify no inhibit messages are displayed. Verify “COOP” is displayed in HAD Weapon Control field and “RKT NORM” is displayed in the HAD Weapon Status field.
- PLT Fire – Squeeze weapon trigger to 1st detent (2nd detent to override performance inhibits).
Engaging a Target with AGM-114K Laser-Guided Missile¶
To engage a target with an AGM-114K laser-guided missile, perform the following:
- CPG Sight select – TADS and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
- CPG Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Right to MSL.
- CPG ARM/SAFE button – ARM.
- CPG Range – Set as desired or verify in the HAD Range/Range Source field.
- CPG (If launching LOBL) Designate – Pull and hold LRFD trigger, 2nd detent.
CPG Messages – Verify no Weapon Inhibits are displayed.
(If launching LOBL) Verify “PRI CHAN TRK” is displayed in the HAD Weapon Status field.
(If launching LOAL) Verify trajectory and mode is displayed as desired in HAD Weapon Status field.
PLT Maneuver as necessary to ensure aircraft is within missile launch constraints).
- CPG Fire – Pull weapon trigger to 1st detent (2nd detent to override performance inhibits).
Engaging a Target with AGM-114L Radar-Guided Missile¶
To engage a target with an AGM-114L radar-guided missile, perform the following:
(PLT/CPG) Sight select – FCR and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
(CPG only) Sight select – TADS and verify in HAD Sight Select Status field.
Weapon Action Switch (WAS) – Right to MSL (set TYPE to RF on WPN page, if TADS is selected sight).
- ARM/SAFE button – ARM (Performed by crewmember not on the controls).
- Range – Verify in the HAD Range/Range Source field.
- (CPG only, if TADS is selected sight) Designate – Pull and hold LRFD trigger, 2nd detent, until “TARGET DATA?” is removed from HAD Sight Status field.
- Messages – Verify no Weapon Inhibits are displayed. (If launching LOBL) Verify “RF MSL TRACK” is displayed in the HAD Weapon Status field.
- (PLT only) Maneuver as necessary to ensure aircraft is within missile launch constraints.
- Fire – Pull weapon trigger to 1st detent (2nd detent to override performance inhibits).
Performing Post-Engagement Procedures¶
Following an engagement, the crewmember engaging the target with a weapon system should:
- Ensure finger is off the weapon trigger.
- Ensure weapon is de-actioned.
- ARM/SAFE button – As desired (Performed by crewmember not on the controls).