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Heads-up Display (HUD)

The Head Up Display, or HUD, is one of your most important instruments and provides valuable information as to your aircraft flight performance and weapon / sensor information. In later sections of this guide, we will discuss aspects of the HUD that are specific to certain weapons and sensors, but the HUD does have a common set of information that is almost always displayed.

All information is displayed on a combining glass mounted in the forward field of view at eye level. The symbology is focused at infinity and superimposed upon the outside world along the flightpath of the aircraft. The HUD remote control panel (right console) provides control of the HUD set.

Together, the remote and integrated control panels control the symbology displayed. HUD data is displayed as a function of the selected master mode and sub-mode. The display surface field of view is 25° in diameter and extends down to a line 10.5° below the FOV center.

HUD Remote Control Panel

As the name implies, the HUD control panel determines what and how information is displayed to the HUD. The panel consists of eight switches.

Scales Switch. When set to VV/VAH, the vertical velocity scale, velocity scale, altitude scale, and heading tape are displayed. When set to VAH, all the scales are displayed except the vertical velocity scale. Off removes all scales but digital readouts.

Flightpath Marker Switch. When set to ATT/FPM displays both the flight path marker and attitude reference bars. When set to FPM, just the flight path marker is displayed. Off removes both.

DED Data/PFL Switch. This switch allows data from these displays to visible on the HUD, based on DED or PFLD selection. Off displays neither.

Depressible Reticle Switch. The depressed reticle switch controls selection of the primary and secondary standby reticles on the HUD. Standby displays the standby reticle and removes all other HUD symbology. Primary displays the primary reticle but does not remove any HUD symbology. Off does not display either reticle.

Velocity Switch. The airspeed switch allows airspeed to be displayed as calibrated airspeed, true airspeed, or ground speed.

Altitude Switch. This switch allows the altitude tape to indicate radar altitude, barometric altitude, or off. When set to off, radar altitude is displayed when above ground altitude is below 1,500 feet and barometric altitude when above.

Brightness Control Switch. The HUD brightness switch has default brightness settings for day and night and an auto brightness function that will adjust accordingly.

Test Switch. Displays a test pattern in ON. The TEST STEP position steps through the four different test patterns.